
If you are interested in the study and re-enactment of fourteenth century life, you might be interested in joining the Company of the Staple.

The first step to membership is to contact us. Come along to a few meetings to learn more about what we do, meet some of our members, and find out what it means to be a member of the Company of the Staple. If, after attending some meetings, you find yourself enjoying what we do and we think you share our general goals and expectations, you will be invited to join the group as a member.


Simply put, we expect all of our members to aspire to improve our understanding of life in the fourteenth century, whether by research, reconstruction or re-enactment.

Members representing the group at a portrayal event, public or private, are expected to be equipped with appropriate clothing and accessories necessary for that portrayal. We suggest that new members begin with a simple, lower class portrayal, with basic clothing and accessories, then branch out from there.

Not all members need have a portrayal. If you have a particular focus on say medieval calligraphy, you are welcome to join the group, attend meetings, study with us and share your findings, however a portrayal is required if you wish to represent the group at living history events.

Joining the Company need not be a consuming commitment of your time, though we do expect members to work, with the support of the group, to enrich the group’s portrayal.


Research and recreaction of history can be both an educational and highly rewarding experience.

Our members can expect support from the group through teaching the skills that we have acquired and practiced, and being provided access to our resources and prior research. With different members having their own areas of interest and ability, trading and skill-sharing thrive within the club.

We have jokingly referred to the Company as a ‘Sew Your Own Undies’ club, as we build portrayals ‘from the skin out’, starting with basic under garments, over garments and dress accessories. In this way, a new member can portray a commoner after only one or two meetings.