
Lamb Haricot – Le Menagier de Paris

HARICOT of MUTTON. Cut it into small pieces, then bring it just to the boil, then fry in bacon grease, and fry with onions chopped small and cooked, and mix in beef stock, and add mace, parsley, hyssop and sage, and put it on to boil together.

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Picnic at Petersham Park

We had such a great time at the last picnic, that we’re doing a second one, but this time at Petersham Park, Petersham from 11am – 3pm.

Co. Staple and Friends will be meeting in Petersham Park for a pot-luck picnic, some hand-craft and talking all things C14th living history.

Bring a sandwich, or a plate, and come and say hi!

Modern clothes and picnic – not a period event.

Bring hand crafts, research materials or whatever C14th stuff you’re into right now.

It’s free, it’s kid friendly and it’s open to all.

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Cheese Fritters – Forme of Curye

Cheese Fritters – Forme of Cury

(Le Menagier de Paris also has a variation on the cheese fritter although that recipes involves a slightly harder cheese and cutting it into sticks and frying it.)

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Benes Yfryed – Forme of Curye


Take benes and seeþ hem almost til þey bersten. take and wryng out þer water clene. do þerto Oynouns ysode and ymynced. and garlec þerwith. frye hem in oile. oþer in grece. & do þerto powdour douce. & serue it forth.

Forme of Curye Online
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Wafers – Part 2

So two years ago, Richard made us a beautiful wafer iron and we tried to make it work. Wafer Part 1

This year, Baron Drake Morgan was running a wafer class and so Louise, Richard and I all trooped off to the St Florian campsite at Rowany Festival to get some new tips about making wafers.

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