Pork and Small Birds (Forme of Cury, redaction)
171. Tartee. Take pork ysode; hewe it & bray it. Do þerto ayren, raisouns corauns, sugur and powdour of gynger, powdour douce, and smale briddes þeramong, & white grece. Take prunes, safroun, & salt; and make a crust in a trap, & do þe fars þerin; and bake it wel & serue it forth.
– Hieatt, Constance B. and Sharon Butler. Curye on Inglish: English Culinary Manuscripts of the Fourteenth-Century (Including the Forme of Cury)

Sawge yfarcet – Forme of Curye Sage Pork Meatballs
Today I redact and make sage pork balls from Forme of Curye.