Mail Armour Research for the Re-enactor
Here is a collection of useful articles, papers and resources for re-enactors looking to use mail armour. Whether you’re building from scratch or modifying commercially available mail armour, most re-enactors can benefit from some extra information on how their mail is supposed to work and how it should be shaped.

What Colour were Medieval Clothes?
Whether you’re having your medieval clothes made, or buying fabric to make them yourself, the first question new re-enactors ask is “What colour should my clothes be?” The correct, but unhelpful, answer is “It depends”. It depends on the precise period of history, the place, the socio-economic status, the profession etc of the person you’re portraying.

Bocksten Man Shoes – Reproduction Project
Recreating the Bockstan Man’s shoes

Patching a Turnshoe Sole
When my turnshoes wore through, I wanted to patch them to extend the working life of the shoe and save quickly wearing another hole through my wool hose.

Clothing and Accessory Guidelines for a Living History Event
A few years ago, we found ourselves in need of some basic do’s and don’ts for personal clothing and accessories for a living history event. I’m publishing them here in case they are of use to a broader audience, and to submit them for criticism.

Basic Knots for Historical Camping – Workshop Notes
5 simple knots that are very helpful for medieval camping
Upcoming Appearances – Season 2013
You can see Company of the Staple at the following events in 2013:
- Blacktown Medieval Fair (Blacktown, Sydney) – May 19-20
- Winterfest (Parramatta Park, Sydney) – June 29-30
- Abbey Medieval Fair (Caboolture, Queensland) – July 6-7
Of course, we will also be also enjoying many club days and interclub events behind the scenes. Email info at companyofthestaple.org.au
to get involved!