Bellows are an important tool when it comes to cooking with charcoal. Charcoal’s temperature, unlike firewood, is regulated more by how much air it has, rather than how much charcoal is on the pile.

Bocksten Man Shoes – Reproduction Project
Recreating the Bockstan Man’s shoes

Group Knives
Originally posted to the forum – research about kitchen knives for Company of the Staple by Richard.
I have been looking through various books and manuscripts in pursuit of images of kitchen and dining scenes. Sadly the desire to draw meticulously detailed pictures of kitchen and table implements seems to have been slightly lacking in the mind of the 14th century artist.

Flax to Linen
Originally posted to the Company of the Staple Forum by Richard
Some time in late August/early September, I planted my newest crop of flax. Unlike the first failed attempt, this crop flourished and at some point in late November burst into bloom: