
Cooking over a campfire for 127 people

This year, Company of the Staple catered for 127 people between Friday dinner and Monday morning. The menu can be found here.

It involved an incredible amount of work from a very hard working team. Here, we go through what it took to pull this off, and how you could do it to.

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Reducing food waste at feasts


Reducing waste at feasts helps in two aspects of cooking management.

1) reducing food wastage means a reduction in expenses, meaning that the feast can be cheaper (or remain in budget) as not as much food is purchased

2) reduces how much food needs to be thrown away.


So there’s a few things involved in reducing the food waste at a feast.

It comes down to preparation and planning (as so much of cooking does).

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Campfire Cooking with Ceramics – Symposium

On August 5th, Company of the Staple member Roxy talked about Campfire cooking and cooking with ceramics on a campfire. These are the notes from that talk.

The above image is of a saucepan with oil, for deep frying cheese fritters. It is in a trivet, and being cooked with charcoal.

A copy of the recording from the chat can be found here
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Wafers – Part 2

So two years ago, Richard made us a beautiful wafer iron and we tried to make it work. Wafer Part 1

This year, Baron Drake Morgan was running a wafer class and so Louise, Richard and I all trooped off to the St Florian campsite at Rowany Festival to get some new tips about making wafers.

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Garlic Tart Redaction – Libro di cucina/ Libro per cuoco

CV Garlic tart
Take garlic cloves, peel and boil them.  When they are cooked put them to soak in cold water and then grind them and add saffron, enough fresh cheese, beaten lard, sweet and strong spices and temper the mixture with eggs, add raisins and then make the tart.


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